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Recent U13 Red AAA Esmark Stars News

13U RED Stars Recognize Carson's Hope - Saturday, Dec 14

Pittsburgh, PA - The Pittsburgh Stars AAA Hockey Program, proud members of the North American Prospects Hockey League (NAPHL) and the Tier I Hockey Federation (T1HF), will continue their 2024-2025 Community Initiative Games on Saturday, Dec. 14, as the U13 Red Pittsburgh Stars will square-off with the Pittsburgh Predators at 12:00 p.m., at the Pittsburgh Ice Arena.

For the Community Initiative game on Dec 14, the 13U Red Pittsburgh Stars will wear special third jerseys, designed to recognize and honor Carson’s Hope as their Cause / Initiative. They will also recognize the non-profit, which is dedicated to mental health awareness, with a variety of events that evening to help raise money to be donated to Carson’s Hope.

Carson’s Hope is a nonprofit named for Carson Rudick, a young man who was diagnosed with a rare tumor, rhabdomyosarcoma, when he was just 3 1/2 years old. Created by Carson's parents, Jim and Carlie Rudick, the nonprofit seeks to help support families dealing with pediatric cancer, as well as pediatric cancer research.

Carson, once diagnosed, endured several surgeries and radiation treatments to remove a tumor on his sinus cavity. Unfortunately, just two months shy of finishing treatment in the summer of 2009, he relapsed. Carson would then endured several additional surgeries, gamma knife procedures and chemotherapy over the following year … but again he relapsed.

One would never have known Carson’s struggles it as he always had energy and never complained much. He continually amazed his doctors with his strength to endure new chemo, radiation and surgeries. And his parents never gave up hope during all that ​he endured and remained optimistic throughout his battle with cancer

Carson gained his Angel Wings on July 18, 2010 after the Rhabdom Monster metastasized to his brain and spine.

As much as they hoped that Carson would have benefited from a cure for cancer, Carson will be a part of the cure ... only in a different way. CARSON'S HOPE looks forward to the day when there is a cure for cancer. Carson's legacy will live on thru his charity and it will be a bitter-sweet day for his parents when there is a cure.

Additional information on Carson’s Hope can be found at (

The Pittsburgh Stars AAA Hockey Community Initiative games are designated to celebrate a local charity or cause and help raise awareness and funds for them. Each of the Stars seven AAA teams selected a recipient and have organized a “special home game” to recognize the cause / charity and raise money on behalf of them.

At each game, a donation / gate fee will be charged for admission, and the Pittsburgh Stars teams will wear special third jerseys, designed around the event, that will then be auctioned off after the game.

Additionally, each event may include other activities, including a Chinese Auction with special prizes; a 50/50 raffle; a Chuck-A-Puck contest; and other related activities to help raise both awareness of the cause / effort and to help raise money to be donated on behalf of that effort / cause.

The list of dates, times and special selected local charities or causes, for the remaining Stars teams are as follows:

U12 AAA Pittsburgh Stars – North Hills Community Outreach – Saturday, Jan 25, 2025, 3:30 p.m., vs. Flyers Elite

U13 AAA White Pittsburgh Stars – Belair Healthcare Nursing Home – Saturday, Dec 21, 2024, 6:00 p.m., vs. Columbus Capitals

U14 AAA Pittsburgh Stars – Ronald McDonald House – Saturday, Feb 8, 2025, 5:00 p.m., vs. Jersey Hitmen

U15 AAA Pittsburgh Stars – Ronald McDonald House – Saturday, Jan 11, 2025, 3:00 p.m., vs. Ohio AAA Blue Jackets

U18 AAA Pittsburgh Stars – Officer Brian Shaw Foundation – Sunday, Dec 22, 2024, 12:00 p.m., vs. Cleveland Barons

All games will be played at the Pittsburgh Ice Arena in New Kensington, PA, home rink for the Pittsburgh Stars AAA Hockey program.

"We are honored to be able to recognize Carson’s Hope," said program founder and Stars General Manager Dave Kosick. “The scourge of cancer … and in particular pediatric cancer … is a cause we all can stand up against.”

"Giving back to the community and to these efforts is a great opportunity for each of our teams and players to get a real first-person view of the work that each cause does and their value to our local community,” Kosick added.

Additional information on the special Community Initiative Games will be announced as they become available and can be found on the Star’s website (

The Pittsburgh Stars AAA Hockey program, the oldest Tier I AAA program in the Mid-American District (founded in 1984 and continuously providing elite training and showcase opportunities for amateur hockey players since) and one of the oldest Tier I AAA programs under the USA Hockey umbrella, was founded in 1984 and is celebrating their 40th season during the 2024-2025 campaign.

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